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Veronica's Life

Click Image to see Storyboard

This short film really sparked my interest in researching and creatively executing a story and a character. Being one of the leading members of the team allowed me to creatively direct how the film and the style of the edit and character were done. We based this film on a monologue and then took a collective interest in the roaring twenties theme for the film, it offers emotion and seriousness to the film with flashbacks and voice-over. If you click the image to the right it follows our storyboard which we created prior to the few days of filming.


Veronica’s life is a character-driven short film about an

unmarried forty-year-old in 1930s London, during the

Great Slump. Veronica reveals how her tragic promiscuous past, leads her to heartbreak and ultimately loneliness. We see Veronica in her 20s and 50s at the same bar that she re-visits years later after her years of regret and misfortune. We see the clear difference in her hair, make-up, and styling between the two eras but repeating camera angles and positions to allow the viewer to see the clear correlation. 


Being a lead creative on this film, gave me an insight into the clear planning, organisation, and teamwork that goes into large scale projects. Below are more BTS images taken on the day of filming.

Click here to see the Film Treatment

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