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Artist Statement



Petite women are often perceived to look and act in a certain way, in the real world this is not the case, all women are different. Representation in the fashion industry neglects women who fail to meet the ideal body standards placed on women by society. Petite women suffer in this area, clothes do not fit how they are supposed to because legs and torsos are shorter than the average woman. Being the ‘first little person on the cover of vogue’ (Burke, Sinead, 2019), Sinead Burke has paved the way to break through this model height standard within the high fashion industry. She has sparked the conversation that fashion design, but also design in general, is only designed for people over a certain height. Therefore, inspiring the movement of petite fashion inclusion.


Pint Sized is an online magazine that highlights the lack of representation of petite women being represented in the fashion industry but also juxtaposes the stereotypical ideals placed on petite women by society. It appeals to real women by referring to real-life issues for women, such as the length of sleeves and trousers, or the need to always have a step around the house in order to reach anything around the house. The magazine celebrates petite women as positive media about petite bodies is extremely difficult to see in today’s society, so Pint Sized is revolutionary for this purpose.


As a collection of images Pint Sized questions how clothes should fit our bodies, it juxtaposes the ideals of only being beautiful if you are a five foot eight inches tall model. Therefore, this connects with the real women in society who feel neglected when flicking through high fashion magazines. The photography within Pint Sized exaggerates the idea of one perfect size body by experimenting with scale and size of the body. Graphic design used throughout the magazine compliments these photographic techniques by adjusting image and text style and size to exaggerate the purpose of each editorial within Pint Sized.


Overall, Pint Sized is a revolutionary magazine highlighting an injustice to real women in society, in particular in the fashion industry. The start of this conversation about petite women highlights the importance of a change in fashion design but also in design in general. The purpose of Pint Sized is to do just that, start the conversation about the need for innovation and development within the creative design industries to include all real people.


Due to the pandemic, I could not complete my magazine exactly how I would have wanted to. However, I adapted to the circumstances and altered the editorials accordingly. Below are the visual ideas of what I would have liked to achieve before the lockdown.

Short on Confidence 


Small Packages 

Personal Connection

My initial thoughts on this project came from my feeling of being underrepresented in the fashion industry. As a petite woman myself, I have learnt how to turn up the bottom of my jeans and trousers from a very young age and continue to do this nearly every time I purchase a new pair of trousers. I am used to being told to purchase my clothes in the children's section, or getting cheaper shoes because I can buy them in the children's section. Whilst to some this might be seen as a benefit, to me, it just proves that there is a lack of clothes and shoes designed for petite women. I would love to change this in my future work. This PDF includes examples of the clothing items I have altered to fit me. 

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